What To Look For When Buying Your First Homeowner Insurance Policy

When buying a policy for home insurance for the first time, you may not know what you should be looking for. In order to get an affordable rate and the right amount of coverage for your house, consider the following things.

Coverage for Land

If something should happen to your house, it is unlikely that something will happen to the land on the property as well. You may very well be able to build a new structure on the land after the old one is cleared away. For that reason, it is usually unnecessary to insure the land on your property; you may wish to steer clear of insurance policies that offer you coverage for it.

Separate Policies for Flood or Earthquake Coverage

Many typical insurance policies for houses do not have coverage for floods. Head over to your county clerk so you can get a look at flood maps in your area; if your house is located in a flood zone, be sure to seek out a separate flood insurance policy.

A lot of home insurance policies also do not cover earthquake damage. Therefore, if you live in an area where earthquakes are known to happen, make sure you investigate whether a separate earthquake policy is a good idea for your property.

Sufficient Coverage for Your Expensive Items

Like many people who are just buying their first home insurance policy, you might not be thinking very much about whether your home insurance policy will cover your personal belongings. Most home insurance policies have some kind of provision for your things, but it is important to note that a basic policy might not have sufficient coverage for your high-ticket items. Before you buy a policy, ensure that you get additional coverage so you can replace your expensive belongings if needed.

The Ability to Bundle Your Insurance Policies

Many insurance companies will give you a discount on your home insurance if you already have another active insurance policy with them. For instance, if you have car insurance with a company you really like, find out if they offer homeowners insurance and take a look at what they offer. By bundling your policies in this way, you can save some money and get adequate coverage at the same time.

Use the above suggestions to help you choose a suitable insurance policy for your house. Be sure to enlist the help of a reputable insurance agent who can help you find a policy that works for you.
