Everyone wants to save money on car insurance, and it's probably much easier than you think. Use the following tips to earn discounts and smaller premiums from your auto insurance carrier:
Choose Your Car Wisely
If the high cost of insurance premiums is an issue going in, make sure you get one or two quotes before purchasing your new car. Choosing a model that rates high on the list of most-stolen cars or that has a notoriously poor safety rating is going to cost you more.
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Whether you're insuring your home against potential damage, or insuring your car in case of a collision, there are a number of options to consider beyond basic coverage. Both home insurance and auto insurance have add-ons that you can purchase, expanding the coverage your policy provides. While some can be unnecessary others can actually be a requirement, depending on the vehicle you drive, the house you live in or its location.
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Insurance companies hate trampolines, and for good reason. Trampolines account for over 100,000 injuries every year. This makes owning a trampoline a huge liability if you have home insurance. Learn what you should know about trampolines and home insurance so you aren't confused about any coverage you may (or may not) have.
You may not be covered
Your home insurance provider may choose not to cover your trampoline at all, which means if anyone gets injured on it you have to pay for the medical damages yourself.
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For many people, making sure that their loved ones will be secure and taken care of in the event of their passing is a huge concern that requires a great deal of attention. However, making sure that you have sufficient coverage can be a difficult proposition, and many people are unfamiliar with the steps they need to take to make sure they've correctly invested.
Below, you'll find a guide to some questions you should be sure to ask your life insurance agent.
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If you are thinking about how the purchase of a mobile home could help you save money, you may have concerns about whether mobile homes are more expensive to insure. You should know that while some aspects of mobile home insurance coverage are a little different than the coverage for a traditional house, the cost is not always more expensive. Check out some of the coverage options you may want to think about for a mobile home policy.
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